Our Mission
Philia Earth is a boutique design company established on Earth Day 2016 in Hong Kong with a core focus on green architecture, interior design, and smart urban planning that brings healthy, positive, and long-lasting impact to our society. The company now relocated to San Francisco as its main office.
The word "philia" originates from Greek, which carries the meaning of "friendship love". The word "earth" symbolizes our intention to be "friends of the Earth" through protecting its natural resources and fostering rapport among colleagues, business partners and clients. The green and blue color in the logo symbolize land and water on Earth respectively. We hope to take responsibility to solve existing world's problems caused by climate change and social inequality.
A "Research-based" Design Approach
Our unique "research-based" design approach has received much recognition from the industry. It is because our responsibilities as professionals should go beyond imagination or aesthetics alone, but more importantly, being able to design, build, and renovate that is functional, long-lasting, comfortable for users, and environmentally and socially friendly.
The knowledge we gained from research enables us to offer better service because only then we acquired first-hand knowledge and understanding about the situation that is not based on assumption but facts, data, site visit, observation, and stakeholders’ interview. We firmly believe that a solid research-based design approach equips us to be responsible building designers, urban planners, who address clients’ needs realistically and be reasonable about budget and delivery.
Core Members
Our experienced professional team comes from various background in the field of architecture, interior, and urban design who are knowledgeable in their respectable practice. We celebrate a fun, engaging, and stimulating collaboration with clients and other parties to deliver unique and excellent projects that meet the budget and schedule.